Hello All,
I'm sure this isn't a new problem, as about everything that could happen seems to be covered in this amazing forum? In the process of resurrecting our '75 CB550, I discovered an interesting issue yesterday. I was having trouble getting it to start. Just turning over, without even a sputter. I had fuel, and checked all four cylinders for spark, found no spark on 1 and 4. Checked points, and found no spark on that circuit. Replaced points and condenser on that side, and that seemed to do the trick--mostly. Now, cylinders 1, 2, and 3 seem to be running normally (exhaust hot to touch), but number 4 only feels warm. We did adjust the valves the last time we had it running. Would a mistake there cause one cylinder to run cooler than the rest? Is there anything else that could cause one cylinder to do that? I haven't performed a compression test, but this bike only has 6K miles, so I would not think that would be an issue.
Thanks for your help!