Been busy for a few weeks but got a good couple hours of work in and tore the head and jug off the bike. everything looks really good, still some hone marks on the walls. Might get away with just new gaskets.
The biggest problem i had was dealing with the damn valve cover bolts. These are definately being changed over to an allen type head. Here is a picture of it all dissassembled, nothing cleaned.
Looks as though some tranny seals have been leaking near the chain for awhile. or is this just from chain lube/road grime?
Cylinder linings(not very good quality pictures):
Can anyone identify this exhaust?
I also feel like that when i was trying to take off the chain, or release tension on the tensioner i was not as successful as i probably should have been. I tore it all down without a manual and think that i could have maybe done a few things in the wrong order and made things a little more difficult for me. Lesson learned and will obviously be using the manual for reassembly. All in all i have had a lot of fun with the few little things that i have done so far.