ok got a photobucket account and trying it this way, flikr didnt work. Thanks everyone, this forum has brought me up to speed so far. good info. I am trying to decide between a bobber or a cafe racer, leaning towards a bobber.
When i went to shorten the chain the bolt head broke off so i having to replace the whole unit because i drilled a crap job on it.
The pile of wires and units that have no location yet(before i started ripping into the harness to take out blinker and horn wires)
Got my pods on yesterday but didnt have time to get and pics of them yet or any of my further progress. more to come later. It ran 10 times better once i got the pods on.
Anyone know if you can run the 350F without a battery? From what it appears it needs it but not completly sure. looked on here with no sucess.