Some of you may know, I have a mix of good and bad news. I have a brain aneurism. Doc says "it's big and gnarly". A lot more serious than they let on at first. Good news, they found it by chance, before it burst. I got the good news last week that they say they can fix it without cutting open my head!
Tomorrow morning is the surgery. I saw the detailed scan that they took a week ago Monday. I haven't been particularly interested in waiting. I told the doc that I work in the engineering field, and could tell any pipe with a bulge like that was ready to blow. The truth is that this thing has been growing for several years to get like this. The chances of it bursting in the next few days are pretty slim. My blood pressure has been really high for a long time. Turns out I was on the wrong medicine for me, causing other problems, exhausted all the time. I have to keep my outlook up and my blood pressure low. Smart doctors have me on some new blood pressure medicine. I feel better already. The failing artery in my head doesn't show any symptoms. It's by the grace of god this was found at all.