Enough about exhaust lets get back to what you all want to see, ME splitting the case and have crap fall everywhere and freak out.
So I split the case, easy enough. I split it right side up because i could not figure out why i had heard to split it upside down.
043Once i had it split i pulled out the first set of gears out. not sure what each set is called but I pulled the silver end cap off by accident and stuff flew everywhere! Once i stopped cursing and regained my composure i realized that it was a roller bearing. Is that supposed to come apart or do i need a new one?
All the bearing surfaces look fine so i guess i should just order a new set of what was already in there
Is this the spot that the primary chain rubs if its to loose? No rubbing at all but i will replace it anyway.
A few additional questions.
1) is there anything that it is really important for me to check with a micrometer ? Ill check a few things but being that this motor was pretty low miles i dont think anything should be out of spec.
2) When i SODA blast these is it safe to blast all surfaces i.e. gasket surfaces, bearing surface?
3) Should i take the connecting rods off and replace the bearings or plasigauge them and see if they need to be replaced or just leave them alone?
4) Can i leave all the gear forks and stuff in there as well as all the shifter stuff on the side while i soda blast it. I dont want to take it off if i dont have to. It looks a little intimidating to put back together. So id like to avoid it if possible.
Thanks for any help guys.