So, I have been humming and hawing on if I wanted to post the tank yet but I decided I would! Hope everyone digs it. My goal was unique and I think that was achieved. Little background on how I got this result....
I wanted a modern fuel cap and a fuel sensor. After a bit of searching I settled on an R6 tank. I went with this because I liked the top end shape and the fuel sensor was a nice low profile and could fit in the modified tank well. I specifically landed on a 2001. After some ebay scouring I located a dented unit with the sensor for $65.
Then came the hard part. Turning two tanks into one. My skills are not good enough to do this so I turned to Godffery. This was not a mistake. What he produced (IMHO) was... wait for it ... legendary! Here is the build thread of the tank: the tank back came time to pick the color. I had found a picture of a Range Rover that had this coppery orange color. It turned out to be Vesuvius orange. I didn't want super shinny so I went with an eggshell clear to give more a satin look.
I will say this is a hard color to photograph. Sometimes it is super coppery and other time very orange depending on the time and amount of light. My garage has crappy lighting but I think what I got is a fairly good representation of the color. Really look forward to when I can get good quality pics outside. I got the filler on and mounted the black painted Honda logos as well.
I still need to get the fuel sensor in, thread sealant on the petcock (completely rebuilt) thread, and overflow tubes on. Tank also isn't fully in the frame as I am still wiring and working on the upper end of the engine.