Hi all,
picked up this last week. I am totally green when it comes to bikes and engine mechanics in general Pretty adept at electrics and electronics and like a challenge so dove in head first!
Was running OK when I picked it up but after having the carbs drained to put it in my van and getting it back home it doesn't idle very well. Cuts out when revs are low (>1000rpm). Is it likely draining the carbs means the gunk and crap in there has blocked stuff up? Would I be wise to give them a clean and have another go? Any advice appreciated. Just looking to get the bike running for now then think of mods later, want to keep it as a running project as best I can. Based up in Manchester, UK if anyone else is local?
Got a Honda manual for a 74 and 77, are these still going to be useful, any major changes to be aware of between years? Also ordered a Haynes manual.