After replacing my sprocket shaft seal which solved my problem(or so I thought)Rode to work the other day,bike was running great,doing about 75 mph in 5th,dont know the RPM's cause I dont have a tach,And suddenly I lose power like I had to switch to reserve,but it was relatively sudden,like WAAAAAAAAAH-wrrrrrrrrrrrrrr,seemed to start running better,but I got to work and the rear of my bike is COVERED in oil.
![Cry :'(](
.What the F#*&!!So I get my truck go get it,pulled off my sprocket and the new seal failed at the shaft,There are no burrs on the shaft(I felt it before I installed the seal).
So,A.its a bad seal.
B.Excessive crankcase pressure.
D.Sell it and move on.(kidding)
Any guru's out there now why I would have excessive pressure?
All my breather tubes are intact.
Can it be an oil pump issue?
What sucks is,it fires right up EVERY time,idles great,runs great,I LOVE my bike,its part of me,I dont want to give up.
What I really want to do is pull the motor,Buy a refurbed one from Cycle X and be done with it.