I'll finish the rubber roof thread later, I think it is good stuff, it worked before, but the reality is that now that the claims checks are arriving I'm thinking about putting a pitch on the flat areas, having an attic and gable ends, and getting the roof work done for the rest of my life.
The Adjuster pointed out the hail damage on the three tab skirts around the perimeter of the roof and I am sure I can do the work. I figured if I put a new three tab roof on it would hail enough to ruin the new "lifetime" three tab the next week. (This happened to whole neighborhoods in this area a couple years ago.)
I saw a deal on slate roof . There must be almost 20 pallates of it for a smokin' deal, probably less than the cost of 50 squares of three tab, 30 if I forgo putting a peak and gables on. I just like the idea of rock and a true lifetime roof.
You tube has several videos, including the common fork-ups of people who don't usually do this sort of thing that I can study.
Just curious, has anyone done a slate roof? What does 50 squares look like? I think the package deal would have plenty, like a couple if not several flatbed trucks. But it's all Greek to me.