Almost three months into the rebuild and I think I've turned a corner. Every nut, bolt, washer and part has been removed, assessed, cleaned or tossed or is waiting to be rebuilt. I'm pumped I found a talented machine shop with creative ways to help me out or I would have a new door stop. Here are before and after shots;
Here is the frame before I had it made pretty
Now she is all ready for the dance
This bike sat outside in the Seattle rain for 14 years and sucked up water and excreted rust. Broke these two screws and easy out in the process. The ones at 12:00 and 6:00 here.
Talented machine shop took three hours to rebuild these threads. They are now at My painting sucks
The real pisser was the broker cylinder stud
My shop had to totally drill out the old bolt with the broken easy out. He rebuilt the hole. Could not find one cylinder stud so went with SS stud. I would have replaced them all with APE but was scared poopless to remove the remaining studs based on my last experience.
Pistons were not to bad after I removed the old seized rings. I was planning on just re-ringing and a hone but originals rings are impossible to find. They switched to 1.2/1.2/2.80 rings during the last 6 months of the F3 production. Engines before 3120000 used the common 1.0/1.2/2.80 rings, not my POS. I did not want to go big bore and have to Jockey with jets, cam etc so HondaMan had the great suggestion to go with regular .50mm over K pistons. Sucked some up from Z1.
I was worried the built up area for the broken stud would hinder the cylinders going into the block but no problemo
Had two bad exhaust valves and again was like looking for a needle in a haystack to find F valves. Finally scored two along with the last remaining oil orifice on the plant from and now I see the site is gone. Was it something I said?
Had the head rebuilt with new brass guides and had all the seats re cut. Looks a little better in there now. Overspray will be cleaned up from the port.
Now I'm ready to really start the rebuild. I'm going with the SS hex head bolts on the reassembly along with SS brake lines. I still really need a rear master cylinder from a 76, 77 or 78 F. Can someone help a brother out?
My next installment will be after she starts. There has got to be a pill to help with re builder's anxiety. You know how you fret over did I miss an O ring here, put a washer on backwards there, which way did that shim face? Why do I have so many bonus parts left over?