Author Topic: '78 CB750F2 Carbs  (Read 5920 times)

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Offline Blitzburgh207

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Re: '78 CB750F2 Carbs
« Reply #25 on: June 15, 2011, 06:13:50 AM »
That picture makes me cringe... As for the choke and throttle binding, are all the carbs seated in the plate properly? i would think that if just one is out of alignment it would bind on the throttle shaft or either choke shaft. Also make sure that the throttle linkage isnt binding on anything (mine was catching on the #2 intake clamp screw one time).
I wonder if you can grease where the shaft passes through each carb? probably not.
Anyways, good luck! hope you get that #4 body on there soon!
1978 CB750 K8

Offline SurfinBird

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Re: '78 CB750F2 Carbs
« Reply #26 on: June 15, 2011, 09:12:29 AM »
I figured it out. I had to lightly screw the stay on, then check the gates and throttle, tighten the screws a little at a time constantly checking the action on the throttle and choke gates until they were all seated tight. I think I got into trouble tightening the screws all at once and that threw them out of alignment. I think the secret is even pressure until the bodies seat into the stay.

I'm hoping for the new #4 today.


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Re: '78 CB750F2 Carbs
« Reply #27 on: June 15, 2011, 10:19:19 AM »
Surfin: It is sort of like torquing a head I found snugging up the # 2&3 first and working my way out to the #1&4 works best and checking as you go like you said.
Did you ever get those pilot jets out and clean them? If not you may be taking every thing apart again :o That is why it took me two trys  ::) If any of those little holes are plugged it really screws up the idle
About those springs and washers I have had luck with carb cleaner put the red straw past the washer it may break loose and fall down over the red straw if not you will have to use a small pick to get them out. First time I did a rebuild I did not see them and put another set on top of the old ones :o That does not work to good.


Offline SurfinBird

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Re: '78 CB750F2 Carbs
« Reply #28 on: June 15, 2011, 10:48:10 AM »
I got the pilot screws out of 1,2 and 3, #4 is shot with the screw stuck. I gave them a good cleaning with a guitar string. I have to double check them to make sure I get the o ring and washers out to be certain I have them on all screws before I put them back on the bike. Luckily (and thank jtb) I have a #4 body coming and I was able to get a pilot screw set ($17 for 1 screw) so I should be good. I'll try working from the inside out when I have to but the stay plate back on.