For the curious, some more 'Jammer trivia (from one who has loved and used them since they appeared):
The Phantom and Windjammers I and II required retention of the headlight bucket and a piece of 4.00 size inner tube about 8" long be cut to house the wiring, which was then just tucked inside the bucket. Mine is still that way, 39 years later...These earlier fairings were also made from hand-laid fiberglass of 2 shells, an inner and an outer, laminated together to generate enormous stiffness as compared to the later ones: so stiff, in fact, that a large impact to the fairing can bend the bike's frame (like mine, circa 1972). All of these fairings required hand-drilling in order to accept the Lowers kits, and the lowers could fit a little better, since these fairings are often not 100% symmetrical.
The III and IV , and the SS series, were made from molded ABS and can be heat-shaped in minor ways to accept tank changes and other little mods (but are considerably heavier than the early ones). These fairings flex a lot more (especially in the windshield supports) and don't transmit as much force into the frame in a wreck. The Vetter bags and Tour Trunk are also made form the same ABS. It holds its nice, smooth finish for a very long time.