I am going to look at a CB750 this evening that hopefully turns out to be a sandcast...probably not, but who knows ehh ?
From the photos I have (only shows the right side & front & rear) it appears to have some good things:
Cut front fender, duckbill seat, wrinkle tank, color matched headlight ears and airbox. Carbs have 4 cables. The guy is an older retired gentleman that took the bike to help someone out that owed him money. He has the brake master cylinder off and the handlebar controls, so I can't see those from pics. Has an original set of HM300s. Tires even look original. 8k miles on the clocks which are the correct type. The motor turns over and the electrics work. But - for the last several months, it has been stored outside, so it is somewhat rusty - I've started with worse.
Isn't there a "sticky" or definitive "what to look for when buying a sandcast" thread ?
He wasn't able to get me the serial numbers yet, so I can keep my hopes up that they fall under the 7414 number.
Can anyone think of any threads dedicated only to identifying sandcasts or diecasts ? Any suggestions as to what exactly to look for is greatly appreciated.