I've been considering a career shift for a while and have been looking to pick up a trade (electrical specifically). Partly due to the state of affairs with public schools, I'm looking to have a backup plan...or at least expand my skills set should things get worse down the road. Also, I just really enjoy studying about and working on wiring (household, low voltage, etc.).
I know that there are varying routes to becoming an Electrician depending on what specific work one plans to do and where in the country one lives...but would anyone here who is licensed be willing to give me the basics of what I need to do and how to pursue this? What kind of schooling is involved? I know that things are tough out in the industry due to the downturn in construction, etc....but I'm still interested.
I've always had a brain for electricity, respect it, and have an understanding of Ohm's Law. Perhaps it's time for a life change here and I feel drawn towards your craft.
Any help out there?