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I think I can find more enjoyable ways to waste an afternoon than cleaning reusable oil filters and air filters. Nice if it had a disposable cartridge? I agree, but the canister already on the bike has that feature. These things are solutions looking for a problem. A complete waste of money and needless extra maintenance effort.Stu
I think I can find more enjoyable ways to waste an afternoon than cleaning reusable oil filters and air filters. Nice if it had a disposable cartridge? I agree, but the canister already on the bike has that feature. These things are solutions looking for a problem. A complete waste of money and needless extra maintenance effort.
QuoteWell my opinion is don't waste the time or money. I don't see how its a waste of money when its a one time purchase versus continuing to purchase stock filters. And in the time it takes to run to the store and buy a new stock filter you could clean this one so time really isn't a factor either. So once I get one and get my motor running I'll report back if I have any problems.
Well my opinion is don't waste the time or money.
when cold the pressure comes up quicker with this filter than with paper filters due to better flow and less restriction
I wasn't looking for a debate on the theory of oil filters I was merely looking for opinions from anyone here that had used them. Looks like I will be the guinea pig on this one.
Quotewhen cold the pressure comes up quicker with this filter than with paper filters due to better flow and less restrictionQuicker pressure buildup AND better flow and less restriction seems like a contradiction.
This is interesting-facts for the considerate man http://motorcycleinfo.calsci.com/Filters.html