Glad for you Bill, I lost my wife 5 years ago so I know what you've gone through. The Man Upstairs has a plan...Larry
Hey Larry, If I knew about Your Loss, I had forgotten and I apologize for that. It IS an experience that will really set you back, for sure. Yes, you ARE right, about the Man Upstairs. She has had some tough times as well (which I was there for her, like SHE had been there for me, with My issues) and on Jan '11, we both told each other that it didn't look like either one of us was going to find someone, to continue on with and we both were just going to keep on with our responsibilities. NOW, about over a year Later, here we are and realizing that WE have EACH OTHER! It never dawned on either of us, that it would come to this. And NOW, we BOTH, couldn't be happier. So YES , in HIS Time and NOT ours. The Man Upstairs, had HIS Plan alright. She and I BOTH believe that.

Thanks for posting. Bill