If the bike started with the kicker then I would suspect the starter switch. Another common failure point on these old Hondas. The little button is in a plastic housing inside the handlebar control and it just falls apart from age. I was able to get a new one for my 76F but they are not available for all years and models. If you do a search you will find threads on other options.
You need to get the plugs out...my guess is 18mm plug socket...got mine at Sears. When you put them back in (new ones or cleaned and re gaped old ones) be gentle and use your hand to get them started. Overanxious types use the wrench and bung up the threads. Check your points, clean and set them.
At a minimum you need to remove the float bowls and remove and clean the jets. Some will say you need to disassemble the crabs completely for cleaning....it depends on how gummed up they are. The idle jets in particular have a very tiny passage. Do a search as to how to remove them, some screw in others are press fit. The needle valves are probably fine and often the aftermarket parts are inferior so when it comes to the little brass parts in your carb use the originals if you can. Clean them and the seats with a Q tip. If your bike has the brass floats check them for leaks and make sure they float. Change the oil and filter and check for a clean air filter.
Check the inside of the tank for corrosion and clean it out if present. Plenty of threads on that too. After you have done ALL of this then you can put some gas in the bike and see if it will start. And then you may want to check out that front caliper cause it will probably stick on you the second day out.