from a post by two tired, sounds like a great way to evaluate a condenser, but i don't quite understand how to set the test up. should the condenser be connected to the battery in parallel to the meter? if so why would the meter show any change when the condenser is disconnected?
Here's a check using a voltmeter and a 12 V battery. Affix your meter leads to the capacitor. Place your condenser on the battery terminals, body to negative, other lead to positive. The meter should read full battery potential. However, when you remove the capacitor lead, the meter display slowly diminishes its reading. My digital meter took about 10-15 seconds to get back to zero. My analog meter did this in 1 second. This test outcome will depend on the circuit loading effects of the meter. But, if your digital shows a slow decay reading, the condenser is still behaving like a capacitor and probably serviceable.