I've finally found some free time to start working on this bike. I replaced the harness with a good used one- the harness on the bike was taped, soldered, spliced and otherwise hacked quite a bit.
Where I ran into trouble, was the wiring in the headlight bucket. The PO had cut most of the plug receptacles off the parts that plug into the harness, so I still had my work cut out for me to try to match up the wires in the correct manner. I'm going to take a couple of photos and make some notes with questions later today - and hope someone can take a few minutes to correct the problems I've got. At the moment, I only get working head and taillights and NOTHING else. No ignition, turn signals, etc.
I also replaced the points/condensor plate with a new Honda unit, and I set the basics (gaps and general timing). Since I have no spark yet, I can't fine tune the timing right now.
Photos coming, and please, if you can take a moment to point me in the right direction, that'd be so cool. I really want to hear this motor spin up to life!