No, I didn't go back into hibernation... I've managed to get a bit done here and there. Since last post, I painted the cylinders and head, got the OEM style piston ring set, and have assembled a good part of the head. I tried the hose clamp method for the ring compressors, but that didn't work well at all. The biggest fight was trying to keep the pistons from rocking while lining them up with the bores, Fortunately, good buddy Steve was on hand again, and between the two if us, we managed to get all four pistons into the bores using just the finger method! I kept thinking about the bent thin oil ring that Iron Worker ended up with!!! Fortunately we eyeballed this closely at every millimeter and then rotated the crank a full turn to check for any scratching. Perfect! I moved onto installing the head and once again realized that a 'complete gasket set' rarely is that! Was missing the 6 pucks that go under the cam towers! For some reason, I ended up with a double set when I did my last rebuild and despite my intricate filing system, I found them! YAY! (Cold beers all around!) I've since installed the cam towers and am now fighting to get the cam chain on the sprocket. It doesn't help that the new cam chain has almost no slop to it! Any tricks, thoughts, ideas?