Let me begin by saying I'm an idiot and I've brought this upon myself.
Allright here's the long version. I've completely rebuilt my F1 motor and almost have it finished but when I pull the clutch lever it won't disconnect the crank from the transmission.
Initially I had installed the wrong basket/primary drive assembly. I had purchased a complete trans. on ebay and it came with a basket that apparently came from a k model. Big lesson here "all the motor stuff from an early 750 is interchangeable", no it is not. I re-opened the lower case and installed the basket assembly that came in the bike.
In the process of trying to figure out what the issue was a very helpful member sent me an entire clutch with the intent of doing the Honda recommended "GL swap" When this didn't work I realized the internal parts were not correct for this and decided to start from a known point and installed the correct basket/primary assembly.
I've been trying to use a lever from a newer CBR as it doesn't have all the buttons and what not to clean up the bars so I tried the OEM lever and it gives the same result.
I've lightly oiled the clutch plates and installed what I believe is the entirely F1 clutch. However, I am not positive if I have all the correct pieces or if I got my clutches mixed up. Big lesson #2, always label you stuff. I also lost the "clutch lifter piece" and purchased another from a local guy but am not positive it is correct. Big lesson #3 don't loose you stuff.
I have adjusted the arm that the cable pulls under the first engine cover by loosening the nut and screwing the post in until it touches the lifter plate and then tightening the nut. And I have tried adjusting the cable at the hand lever with the prescribed play and with no play.
I'm leaning towards having the wrong pressure plate but I'm really not sure.
By the way, the motor has not been started yet if that has any bearing.
So here's a few questions.
1. Could the plates being oiled be a problem? It's clean oil and I didn't use much.
2. Does anybody know the dimensions of the "clutch lifter piece" for a F0 or F1? (first pic).
3. Is there a way for me to tell the difference between the pressure plate and the mating piece for a F1 and any other like pieces from a K4 for example? (sorry forgot the name off hand) 2nd pic
4. All the other pieces should be the same, no? The steel and fiber plates, the lifter plate?
5. Any other suggestions? I'd really appreciate any helpful input.