Geeze, been a while. Work has been crazy, and I just haven't had a lot of time to get a lot of work donw. I'm also working on a few of the more unexciting tasks like cleanup and stripping.
I'm set to get the engine soda blasted in about a week. Found a place to get it done for $100 which seems pretty reasonable as far as I can tell? Compared to cleaning it up myself, I don't think I can complain about it. Once everything is cleaned up I can get to patching that crack, and finally get to repainting it.
Some parts are in the mail, still a few others to get. I'm still baffled at the cost of a new cam chain tensioner, $90? Mine is pretty chewed up, so I'm sure I really need it.
Finally got the gaskets cleaned off pretty well, and got that mucked up knock pin out. Stole a trick from the forum (mcrider?), just went in with a drill bit 1 size bigger and she popped right out.

Otherwise today was a lot of stripper and naval jelly, getting paint and rust off. As mentioned several times in the forum, this "aircraft" stripper really is some nasty stuff, but i works great!

A bit more cleanup and then I'll get to spraying those, just getting a rattle-can job here. Hell of a task to get the shock bushings out of the swing arm. They were gunked and pretty warn so I decided to replace, had to drill out the center, then hack the outer bushing to get it out, but it worked like a charm. Another trick from the forums

On a side note, really should have taken the front brakes apart before taking em off the bike because these bolts refuse to budge a bit. Soaking in some pb right now, so we'll see where that gets me.

Other things goign on:
* Got my new sidecovers from Frankenstuff
* Trying to determine what I'm going to do for a paint scheme on the tank/side covers
* Tracking down some emblems/badges
* Sending off rotor to Tom this week to get drilled.
Anyways, should have more time to work on things in the coming weeks, so hopefully I won't fall off the face of the earth for a month again

Until next time...