If you don't know when the last tune up was completed, it is due now. Normally, it's on a 3000 mile schedule, and it is the first thing to review when there are any run time issues. A bad tuneup will make the engine run bad. And there can be many symptoms. You never want to adjust a bike to perform well with a bad tune up.
Fouled or bad spark plugs can contribute to misfiring.
When was the last carb vacuum sync?
Not sure, but would the carbs come out of sync instantly?
When you say instantly, to you mean 30 years of use?
I thought the sound on the vid was representative of a "spit back" through one carb. Would you rather have the carbs out of sync or a bad intake valve (could also be an intake valve that was too tight (from adjustment wander, loose adjustment, or bad adjustment). Either way, the possibility would be eliminated by performing the tune up schedule and a routine carb sync check.
A proper tune up often cures a number of run time ills on this bike. It is the foundation of a good running bike.