Author Topic: First Crash on my SOHC...  (Read 5617 times)

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Offline Zeke

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First Crash on my SOHC...
« on: July 31, 2006, 08:52:34 PM »

I'm driving up our steep one lane "drive" tonight, going about 15 - 20 mph, when I come around the first corner met by an inattentive neighbor who's right in the middle of the road.  The road is steep here and banked steep to the inside of the road, which happens to be the side I'm on. 

I slow down and move it over as far as I can, but with the bank in the road it feels a bit squirrelly.  So I stop and put my feet down.  Or should I say, foot.  Left foot touches ground, right foot is in air by a few inches, so I lean to the left, and for a second, I thought I was going to lean over to my left foot -- but no, bike goes over to the right and I can't stop it! :o :o

You see, right next to the pavement is a drainage ditch, so the farther I go to the right, the further I am from catching the bike!
As I go down, straining against the bars, I hit the throttle, the engine revvs up loud with my new Hooker which is about to be smashed.  :'( :'(

The guy who ran me off the road -- doesn't even stop!  And trust me, there's no way he didn't hear/see me.  The bike revved to about redline with a loud pipe and he wasn't 20 feet away.  F***ing A$$Hole!!

I didn't even try to right the bike, because there was a culvert pit 4 feet deep just behind my back tire.

Then, I start walking home.  Steep driveway -- It's probably a half mile and about 400 feet elevation.  Luckily, my neighbor is home to help out.  The two of us pretty easily righted the bike, and to my amazement there was little damage.  ;D  My new pipe looks fine, the tank is fine, the case is fine.....  Which is amazing because the tank was lower than the tires -- the handlebars and headlight bucket hit the steep bank, and because of the drainage ditch everything else was suspended.  I couldn't believe my luck considering my truck is in the shop getting a new flex plate, torque converter, and tranny.

Only damage I see right now is the headlight bucket and the light cluster.  Top of the headlight bucket is messed up, and there's a hole from a rock punched in the light cluster.  Some scratches on the tach.

Anyway, I don't know what else I would have done.  I had groceries in my tank bag and piled on my luggage rack, so I was a bit top heavy.  And, I suppose it was more of a "dump" than a crash.

I was pitched into the culvert hole, but other than some scratches on my helmet I'm fine.  I was wearing gloves, boots, and an armored jacket.  That's the good news.  I'm getting my knee scoped soon and that's all I needed was to screw it up more.

Should I try to find out who that guy was and get him to pay for the damages?  What do you think?


Clyde "zeke" Crashcup

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Re: First Crash on my SOHC...
« Reply #1 on: July 31, 2006, 08:55:05 PM »
I would find him. Whether I would call the cops or not is another matter.
Your decision.

Glad you're ok.

Offline cbjunkie

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Re: First Crash on my SOHC...
« Reply #2 on: July 31, 2006, 09:15:45 PM »
i've got a couple of buckets if you need one...wait - 750? least you walked away from it...
« Last Edit: August 01, 2006, 09:13:43 AM by cbjunkie »
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Re: First Crash on my SOHC...
« Reply #3 on: August 01, 2006, 09:05:29 AM »
I dunno man, if he's the kinda guy that would run off after running someone off of the road, you probably won't be able to convince him that he owes you anything. but I would still try and find him just to let him know what he did, and anytime you're out hanging around with the other neighbors, point him out. maybe he'll get shunned from your community. also, if its an apartment complex the management may be able to put some pressure on him for doing what he did.

glad you're alright


Offline ProTeal55

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Re: First Crash on my SOHC...
« Reply #4 on: August 01, 2006, 10:04:54 AM »
Glad to hear you are OK , thats the most important thing.
The bike can be fixed, made better , etc..
Find out who the guy was , where he lives , and cinderblock his truck.
Actually , ring his doorbell, and start a conversation about what he did to you while your buddies cinderblock his truck behind in the distance.... :D
Joe a.k.a ProTeal55 a.k.a JoeyCocks a.k.a Maker of Friends

Offline TwoTired

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Re: First Crash on my SOHC...
« Reply #5 on: August 01, 2006, 10:33:20 AM »
Actually , ring his doorbell, and start a conversation about what he did to you while your buddies cinderblock his truck behind in the distance.... :D

Stupid politicos actually complain about gang violence.  When all along it's actually the answer to interpersonal behavior.

Next week, it will be your doorbell rung.  And cinderblocks against teal paint. Purely to prove a point, of course.

In the fullness of time...
Eventually, the doorbell will be forgone, with a bullhorn used in it's stead.  A large gang garbed in black will surround your house and point tubular objects at it.  You'll be able to easily identify them for future retaliation.  The gang letters on their backs read S.W.A.T.

Peace at last... :)
Lloyd... (SOHC4 #11 Original Mail List)
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Re: First Crash on my SOHC...
« Reply #6 on: August 01, 2006, 10:39:31 AM »
Next week, it will be your doorbell rung. And cinderblocks against teal paint. Purely to prove a point, of course.
No, It wont be my doorbell that gets rung, because I don't cut people off on motorcycles, and am man enough that god forbid I do cause/get involved in a accident I handle it the proper way, not drive off and run like a little #$%*. Karma is 20/20, and people ALWAYS get what they truly deserve.
Joe a.k.a ProTeal55 a.k.a JoeyCocks a.k.a Maker of Friends

Offline Chris Schneiter

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Re: First Crash on my SOHC...
« Reply #7 on: August 01, 2006, 11:25:01 AM »
Ah, for a few extra inches and you might have caught it. I'm 5'7-8" and have always had a heck of a time getting all the way to the ground with my feet! Once I was backing off a curb and got high centered...had to have a friend run over to rescue me by rolling me off the curb like a little kid being taught how to ride his bike without training wheels!
 I've fallen over twice. Both were due to sheer stupidity. The first time, I pulled my bike out onto my sloped driveway facing down hill...yes, I then put my foot on the peg, the kickstand collapsed, and down I went! After I got the bike back up, the first thing I did was look around to see if anybody saw me being stupid! I was more concerned with that than if I was bleeding! The second time was when I parked facing downhill in sand, and stood on the peg to get off the bike! I flew like Charlie Brown when he misses the kick! No damage either time.
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Offline ProTeal55

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Re: First Crash on my SOHC...
« Reply #8 on: August 01, 2006, 12:17:37 PM »
Ah, for a few extra inches and you might have caught it. I'm 5'7-8" and have always had a heck of a time getting all the way to the ground with my feet!
A set of "short-shocks" costs under $100
Joe a.k.a ProTeal55 a.k.a JoeyCocks a.k.a Maker of Friends

Offline Chris Schneiter

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Re: First Crash on my SOHC...
« Reply #9 on: August 01, 2006, 12:25:31 PM »
I've thought of that ...not too "manly" though.....
CB750 K6

Offline TwoTired

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Re: First Crash on my SOHC...
« Reply #10 on: August 01, 2006, 12:27:29 PM »
Karma is 20/20, and people ALWAYS get what they truly deserve.

Well, if you truly believed that.  Then why even suggest that you bring your homeys with you to discuss the incident in the first place.  The "other guy's" Karma would come back to him without your macho (with gang) display of superiority.

So, Zeke was a nice guy and attempted to yield to a road hog.  He made a marginally bad decision to avoid being hit.  And, now he is suffering the mental anguish of bike damage.  Been there.  I wholly sympathize.   Good Samaritans get fed to lions, too.

Fact is, he's walking around and able to vent about it.  Couldn't have been that bad a decision.  Certainly there could have been far worse outcomes as well as better ones.  I hope he learns from that and I wish him well.  Sometimes you learn more from "failures" than successes.

In his position, I might well seek out said road hog and ask WTF.  Maybe he was late for a court appearance?  Or, headed for the hospital to say last goodbyes to a dying family member?  Or, trying to get away from the cinderblock gang?  

We only know one side of the story from the one who got the short end of the stick.  So far, it sounds to me like both parties blew it and Zeke got the worst of the deal.  In a cars vs motorcycle death match, it's not difficult to predict a "winner".

However, what you were suggesting is to escalate the incident into a gang war.  You know that is wrong, even if you do muster all the bravado that you wish to project.

What kind of Karma do you think you and your cinderblock gang deserve?  Or, is it that everyone else is wrong, but not you?

Just to play devils advocate for a while.  I did notice Zeke reference his very loud pipe on the bike.  Could it be that said neighbor already harbors animosity toward loud bikes and one less in the neighborhood is viewed as a good thing?
The bike revved to about redline with a loud pipe and he wasn't 20 feet away.  F***ing A$$Hole!!
Could the neighbor have taken the noise barrage as a further insult, and realized that stopping at that point might well have been provocation for increased violence?

Incident stories are subject to interpretation and embellishment of "pertinent" facts.

I'm just glad no one was physically hurt.  And, hope that the mental anguish abates with time.

Best Regards,
Lloyd... (SOHC4 #11 Original Mail List)
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Re: First Crash on my SOHC...
« Reply #11 on: August 01, 2006, 12:47:26 PM »
find the guy. ask him why he was driving like a dick. If he refuses to say he is sorry or takes on an attitude, pull out the tire iron and whack him once and then tell him that it nothing compared to 500 pounds of bike or getting hit by a car.  it is not likely that he will carry things any futher.

Karma is worthless. people who deserve it rarely get it and those that do not get crapped on, often.  Besides, when and if something bad were to happen on its own, do you think he is going to think back to the day that he ran a person off the road and realize his current problem is because of that? I doubt it.

Offline ProTeal55

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Re: First Crash on my SOHC...
« Reply #12 on: August 01, 2006, 12:54:26 PM »
Well, if you truly believed that.  Then why even suggest that you bring your homeys with you to discuss the incident in the first place.  The "other guy's" Karma would come back to him without your macho (with gang) display of superiority.

Or, trying to get away from the cinderblock gang? 

However, what you were suggesting is to escalate the incident into a gang war.  You know that is wrong, even if you do muster all the bravado that you wish to project.

What kind of Karma do you think you and your cinderblock gang deserve?  Or, is it that everyone else is wrong, but not you?

You are taking what I said, and more importantly what I meant WAY outta context, and once again are using your long "politically correct" posts to shoot me down ,and make me look inferior to you, kinda like GEETO67 used to do with me.

1. I don't have "homies" as you put it.
2. I am not a part of any gang, nor have I ever been.
3. I was just making a reference to the cinderblock thing, and have nor will I ever destruct someones property, no matter what took place.
4. I am not trying to "project" myself in any sort of light as you think I am. I am who I am, which is a 26 year old man who has the right to voice an opinion / make a joke / post something you don't agree with like everyone else on this board...
5. I won't let you talk me down, and try to make me look bad/childish/foolish on this site.
My father doesn't talk down to me, and I sure as hell won't take it from you !
« Last Edit: August 01, 2006, 01:00:07 PM by ProTeal55 »
Joe a.k.a ProTeal55 a.k.a JoeyCocks a.k.a Maker of Friends


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Re: First Crash on my SOHC...
« Reply #13 on: August 01, 2006, 01:31:11 PM »
Find a dead skunk, one that is stinkin pretty good. Pick it up carefully by the tail and hold a long way
from your body. Get your buddy to drive and hold it outside the window. Find the punks vehicle,
get in it some how, leave skunk in it. Your done. He'll end up trading vehicles.

Offline ProTeal55

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Re: First Crash on my SOHC...
« Reply #14 on: August 01, 2006, 01:35:22 PM »
Look at all you "evil" guys, I must not be the only one  ::)
Cod Liver or Fish oil in the wiper cowl/cabin filter is always a good one.
(And dont freak TwoTired, I never did this, just heard about it)
Joe a.k.a ProTeal55 a.k.a JoeyCocks a.k.a Maker of Friends

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Re: First Crash on my SOHC...
« Reply #15 on: August 01, 2006, 02:36:50 PM »
Karma is like any religion- only as good as wha it does for you.  If christianity allows you to be happy- good religion.  if it makes you angry at anyone who doesn't live up to your standards- bad religion.  geometry is a religion, no such thing as a square in reality (at least one side has to be at least .000" longer/shorter, etc.) no such thing as a "point."  but you take these man made rules and shapes and they do describe the world around you well enough to be useful- good religion.  so getting back to karma... if believing in Karma allows TT to turn the other cheek and not assume the role of policeman to everyone, then it is clearly a good religion for him.  if he truly believes their is a force greater than both he and the perpetrator of whatever injustice, then he is free to think of positive thoughts in lieu of revenge, this must make him happy.  So for all of you that do not believe in Karma i suggest you find something that allows you to rise above, because sometimes they get away, and even if they don't sometimes revenge only makes them worse.  And there is really no way to eliminate all the #$%*s, so you are signing up for an endless thankless ultimately pointless task.  If karma ain't for you then try what i do:  I imagine what it would be like to BE the #$%*.  i am surprised at how often it calms me down and turns my anger into pity.  and then comes the warm grin when i realize that i will never have to be him, I can be me.  so can you.

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Re: First Crash on my SOHC...
« Reply #16 on: August 01, 2006, 02:40:56 PM »
i already am you  ;D

so much for religion.
1971 750K1
1972 CB350 (deceased)

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Re: First Crash on my SOHC...
« Reply #17 on: August 01, 2006, 02:45:12 PM »
Karma is like any religion- only as good as wha it does for you.  If christianity allows you to be happy- good religion.  if it makes you angry at anyone who doesn't live up to your standards- bad religion.  geometry is a religion, no such thing as a square in reality (at least one side has to be at least .000" longer/shorter, etc.) no such thing as a "point."  but you take these man made rules and shapes and they do describe the world around you well enough to be useful- good religion.  so getting back to karma... if believing in Karma allows TT to turn the other cheek and not assume the role of policeman to everyone, then it is clearly a good religion for him.  if he truly believes their is a force greater than both he and the perpetrator of whatever injustice, then he is free to think of positive thoughts in lieu of revenge, this must make him happy.  So for all of you that do not believe in Karma i suggest you find something that allows you to rise above, because sometimes they get away, and even if they don't sometimes revenge only makes them worse.  And there is really no way to eliminate all the #$%*s, so you are signing up for an endless thankless ultimately pointless task.  If karma ain't for you then try what i do:  I imagine what it would be like to BE the #$%*.  i am surprised at how often it calms me down and turns my anger into pity.  and then comes the warm grin when i realize that i will never have to be him, I can be me.  so can you.

Well Done Sir. That has to be one of the best answers I have read on this board.

Very true.
Stranger in a strange land

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Re: First Crash on my SOHC...
« Reply #18 on: August 01, 2006, 02:46:08 PM »
The Khurch of Klark is now accepting donations...

thanks kghost

75 CB550k
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download the shop manual:
you'll feel better.

listen to your spark plugs:

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Re: First Crash on my SOHC...
« Reply #19 on: August 01, 2006, 02:53:30 PM »
Karma is 20/20, and people ALWAYS get what they truly deserve.
The "other guy's" Karma would come back to him


Just curious, but is your other vehicle the Mahayana? 

1972 CB750 K2 Cafe' Style

GO AWAY SNOW AND COLD!  Can you see the Hot Rod wants to run...
“That's thirty minutes away. I'll be there in ten.”

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Re: First Crash on my SOHC...
« Reply #20 on: August 01, 2006, 03:41:48 PM »
Stupid #$%*s with there head up there ass need to be woken up!!!!!!
Maybe the next M/C wont be so lucky!!!!!!!     
I've called cops on #$%* like this and WTF do they care.  Had just as many arguments with dispatch as retarded drivers. 
There "HOMIES" better bring some lambs cause I wont go down first.

                       can you tell i'm tired of stupidity?
18 grand and 18 miles dont make you a biker

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Re: First Crash on my SOHC...
« Reply #21 on: August 01, 2006, 04:24:04 PM »
Hope you boys never need advice from TwoTired......

Karma at work baby
Stranger in a strange land


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Re: First Crash on my SOHC...
« Reply #22 on: August 01, 2006, 07:06:50 PM »
i will never have to be him, I can be me.  so can you.

But wait, I don't want to be Klark Kent, I want to be me. :)

I have a friend whom I haven't seen in a while that used the skunk deal on a fellow that
whooped his ass when he was but a 15 year old. He had stopped in a bar for a pepsi and
he was a real big 15 year old, well some bar hopper wanted to prove he could beat a
big 15 year old, he did, but Dozer saw the skunk while he and his buddy were heading
home and the rest is history. That is "helping" karma in action.

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Re: First Crash on my SOHC...
« Reply #23 on: August 01, 2006, 07:23:17 PM »
1st rule of forums NEVER TALK POLITICS OR RELIGION !!!

I think you'll find out when you find the guy.

He had his stereo cranked

Did not even see you

and he has three SOHC bikes in the garage he's restoring (only one runs though)
"rebuild it rebuild it and rebuild it" 
quote from 30 year old Honda owners manual.
Good thing though, its good for another 30 years.
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Offline Zeke

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Re: First Crash on my SOHC...
« Reply #24 on: August 01, 2006, 10:35:01 PM »
Hey Guys:

Thanks for the replies.  Don't want to start a war here, just curious what some feel is the right way to respond if at all.

My neighbor, who is kind of the neighborhood "manager" has heard complaints from other folks in our rural neighborhood that someone has been tearing up and down the road, and we've noticed quite a few skid marks on the drive lately.  Dunno, but he said he's going to drive thru the 'hood to find the guys car, and if it's one of the homes for rent he will call the landlord to have a word with this guy/girl.  If it's an owner he'll know who and we will contact them.

In the meantime, I was going to leave a flyer at the bottom of the hill where all the mailboxes are to ask people to slow down.  I got off easy that time, and a few months ago I was nearly run over by an early 90s explorer -- that guy left 10 feet of skid mark and then swerved onto his side, and there was no crash.

We do have a sort of 'hood watch thing going here, so I'm hoping we can police this ourselves.

I have one of the "other" SOHCs, a 650 -- but thanks for the bucket offer.  I'm sure I'll find one here or there.

I can appreciate the "get him" sentiment, but I'm happy that my bike isn't wrecked.  Also, my neighbor is also my landlord and so I won't risk my actions reflecting permanently on them.  They are nice people and plan to live here a long while.

But, if I was to have another run-in with the same person there will be trouble.

BTW, my bike is a bit louder with the new pipe, and it's uphill so there's not much I can do to quiet it right now.  But, it's only once a day for 5 minutes, so it's certainly not worth running me into the ditch.  I'm hoping to build a sort of "supertrapp" baffle for the end to quiet it a bit -- we'll see.

