Author Topic: Stand up.  (Read 3691 times)

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Offline LesterPiglet

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Stand up.
« on: November 06, 2013, 09:47:03 AM »
'Then' and 'than' are completely different words and have completely different meanings. Same with 'of' and 'have'. Set and sit. There, their and they're. Draw and drawer. Could care less/couldn't care less. Bought/brought FFS.

Les Ross.            Certified by a Professional

Offline Retro Rocket

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Re: Stand up.
« Reply #1 on: November 06, 2013, 03:37:44 PM »
Absolutely #$%*1ng ridiculous bush1t , hopefully it will be repealed in the high court, I know of 5 guys that rode out near Aratula on Saturday for a bike show all on Jap bikes and all over 50 , they were pulled over, searched, had their tattoos documented then the cops let 3 of them go and held the other 2 on the side of the road for another 10 minutes before telling them that "they are not allowed to ride in groups of more than 3, this is happening everywhere at the moment, this is a massive invasion of our rights and the sh1t is about to hit the fan over these draconian laws..

read the legislation here...  The biggest problem is that it doesn't mention bikes anywhere, these laws can be used on any group of 3 people or more....

« Last Edit: November 06, 2013, 11:53:53 PM by Retro Rocket »
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Re: Stand up.
« Reply #2 on: November 06, 2013, 07:44:43 PM »
wow,   i honestly thought the cops would be able to tell the difference between bikers and bikeys,    that is so wrong what happened to those 5 fellas,    on the week end i did 300k's around mt mee upto mapleton and never saw a single cop or radar trap,     also didnt see any bigger groups of bikes either,    i normally ride alone or at times with a mate so i dont expect any hassles,    i will wait and see,,,     interesting times ahead,  ken

Offline Retro Rocket

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Re: Stand up.
« Reply #3 on: November 06, 2013, 11:58:28 PM »
Its just getting better Ken, I do weights every morning with a good friend, he was booked in to have a skin cancer removed last week, some time  later in walks his doctor, yep, been on the side of the road for half an hour being checked out and searched because he rides a HD, also, you'll love this...

"Just thought I'd share that i was out for a drive in my Ford Focus with my 3 sons in the car who are 6, 3 and 2, and i got pulled over by police when i wasn't speeding or doing anything else wrong apart from wearing a singlet with my tattoos showing, which is a full sleeve, half sleeve and knuckles. They asked for my license which i handed over. They went back to their car and then an other officer came back to do a RBT. They then took that and came back a third time and asked to take my photo. I refused, tried grabbing a jumper from the back floor to cover my ink, still refusing. He said I will have to go into the police station within 7 days to have my finger prints and photos done. I refused 5 times and the #$%* still took my photo on his phone, and yet i still have to go get my prints done. This is bull#$%*. I recorded the whole thing and will fight and protest; this is harassment at its fullest. Just cos a person has tattoos doesn't mean their crims.
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Re: Stand up.
« Reply #4 on: November 07, 2013, 01:23:48 AM »
This is insane,  what the gov't said wouldn't happen is happening, this IMHO is nothing but harassment, pure and simple.  On the surface it would appear that most of the  cops are concentrating on soft targets so they don't have to tangle with anybody scarey.

Offline Retro Rocket

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Re: Stand up.
« Reply #5 on: November 07, 2013, 11:53:13 AM »
Here is the legislation, have a read, its so vague and open ended it can be used on any group of 3 people or more....It doesn't mention bikies at all, theoretically you could be at the pub with a handfull of mates, get into a scuffle and if found guilty, be thrown in jail for affray {1 year maximum}, but because you were with your associates, they can tack on 15 years to that sentence if you can't prove your innocence, remember under these laws you must prove innocence, you are guilty first, even without evidence, it is the first time in our country you must prove your innocence instead of the police having to prove your guilt, #$%*ing ridiculous and un Australian, {I hate that saying but it fits here}
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Offline dusterdude

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Re: Stand up.
« Reply #6 on: November 07, 2013, 12:30:17 PM »
They took your guns,you guys are screwed
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Offline LesterPiglet

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Re: Stand up.
« Reply #7 on: November 08, 2013, 04:09:39 AM »
As long as you still have your EMP bombs you should be fine, guns are so last season.
'Then' and 'than' are completely different words and have completely different meanings. Same with 'of' and 'have'. Set and sit. There, their and they're. Draw and drawer. Could care less/couldn't care less. Bought/brought FFS.

Les Ross.            Certified by a Professional

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Re: Stand up.
« Reply #8 on: November 08, 2013, 10:06:00 PM »
move to Victoria, all the cops are sweet lovable guys down here.............why else would they use explosives to open a HA's clubhouse door that they could have just knocked on?
i blame Terry

Offline dave500

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Re: Stand up.
« Reply #9 on: November 15, 2013, 02:46:43 AM »
because nothing exceeds like excess?