I rented it on Netflix I watched parts of it
I was kinda envious to the camera guy who got payed to go with them this

As the sport goes, there is nothing to write home about - I think it was a failure since the leg in Russia they did in the truck.
They new about water crossings. If they would not to rely upon on the chase cars, they would take lighter bikes and put them on the floats.
Hell, with new materials they could have an inflatable float on which they could put they beamers on. So it looked kind of pathetic.
I read a report on one Russian woman travel recently an abandoned highway in Far East of Russia with more than 50 water crossing. She traveled alone and was not very strong and had no chase care with spares, so she had to unload her bike every time she went down to be able to pick it up. She was saying the scenery worth the trip ...
I watched a brief documentary how the topographers, who did first reconnaissance trip when Alaskian highway was planned, made they way through on the bikes. They had to carry gas with them and to make the wooden floats each time. (and of course they did not have an ABS and Cordura jackets back then

. (I would think twice about taking up the job they did

- serge