I can't remember the exact length but I took 2 pushrods from a collection of spare Pontiac parts I have which turned out to be only .002" larger in dia than the old clutch pushrod. 1 pushrod wasn't long enough so I had to take 2 of them and cut them in 2 and cut 2 pieces so the overall length would be correct once joined together. To keep the 2 pieces concentric with each other I inserted a short steel pin that fit snugly into the hollow pushrods then welded the 2 together. The steel pin served 2 purposes, 1 was to keep the 2 halves concentric and the other was to serve as a backing so I could insure a full penetration of the weld, once welded I put it in my lathe and machined the weld down to the dia of the pushrod. To keep it as much the same as the original I left one end rounded but took the other rounded end that would go into the clutch actuator itself, built it up with weld and machined it so it was flat like the original and making sure my overall length was what I wanted it to be when done.
I'm horrible at explaining things so the above may seem confusion but it was actually very easy but having my own welder and lathe made it easy and it worked perfectly when done and installed in the bike.