I am curious to see how it works when traffic is very congested. I would think it requires a certain amount of cooperative courtesy on every one's part and there isn't as much of that around here as I would like.
Gee, I guess it depends on where you put them. Boston is the land of roundabouts (we call 'em traffic circles). If you've ever seen figure 8 racing, that would pretty much describe Boston traffic circles. Conceivably, traffic in the circle is supposed to have the right of way, but everyone entering tries to cut off everyone else. I guess you could call that "cooperation" of a sort.
I don't cut people off; however, I'm not good at being cut off. While I was there, I developed the sure-fire method for maintaining right of way while in the circle. Most drivers try to race for the gap before getting cut off. Instead, I accellerate and aim directly at the door of the driver who is creeping out and thinking about cutting me off. It freaks them out, and I only had it fail once or twice. It sounds dangerous, but is actually much safer than it seems.

Note: Don't try this on your bike.