Author Topic: Tune-up Tank  (Read 1249 times)

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Offline mrbreeze

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Tune-up Tank
« on: May 21, 2014, 01:55:47 AM »
OK em if ya got em............lets see your tune-up tank. I forgot who (think it was Bill Benton or Frank) that posted a pic of an old lawn mower gas tank hangin' off of something.....can't remember what. Think it was last week or maybe I dug up an old post or something. Anyways.....I laughed my a$$ off but it got me thinking of a project I've had in mind for at least the last 5 or 6 years and I have been blindly collecting parts for it that long. Some times....I really crack myself up putting together stuff like this but it's kinda like the satisfaction you get from building your own tool to fix something and it works out real slick. The thing that I crack up about is that I take so much pride in doing it on the cheap!! Now of course when we do this.......there has to be a story.
So back around 5 or 6 years ago my boss at one of my old jobs had this wierd stand laying around the shop. It might be like a pole stand for a fan or something.I mentioned it would work for a stand for a hanger in the shop. Then I thought about using it for a tank stand. He didn't say anything at the time but then around a month later we were cleaning house at the shop and he said "If you want that stand...take it home before I change my mind." So it has mostly been living on the side of the house since then. So moving ahead a few years (2 or 3 years ago) I'm working at a different shop that does auto repair and towing. We were always getting cars in that we ended up taking ownership of so we would fix em and sell em or scrap em out. One day we were loading up a car to be scraped and I noticed what a nice big washer bottle it had and how it would fit the bill for my tune-up tank. That ended up in a box that has moved to 2 different residences and was in a public storage for awhile also. So this past weekend I got around to building this thing and cobbled together what I could out in the garage. I needed a shut off valve and some fuel line so I got on the internet. Found a little plastic inline valve at Autozone made by Briggs & Stratton....$6. Was gonna get  3 ft. of fuel line and found one of those hand siphon pump pump thingies with hose on both ends for $3.49 at Wally World (made by Penzoil). Here's some pics.
So lets see what you guys have.............stories and pics are king!!!
MEMBER # 257
Fool me once..shame on you. Fool me twice..I'm kickin' your a$$......

Offline mrbreeze

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Re: Tune-up Tank
« Reply #1 on: May 21, 2014, 02:00:30 AM »
Next installment...........gonna make a few tweaks to the way it's mounted and gonna rig up a bracket to hang my carb tune off of it.
MEMBER # 257
Fool me once..shame on you. Fool me twice..I'm kickin' your a$$......