been out of town, but appreciate the olive branch and always thought of this as water under the bridge. dirty, dirty water under the bridge. so apology accepted... but just out of curiosity
, what occured to you upon re-reading or the reading of subsequent posts for the first time, that made you want to formally apologize? feel free to PM me as this post was never about us 
KK & CbJunkie, thanks for accepting my apology; I know you didn't have to do that. I don't have a prob sharing reasons for my turnabout. I'd been watching silly wars circle around these forums, and that's why I took another look at what I had posted. I loathe hypocrisy, and my second read told me that I had posted vitriol against fellow members about politics in a forum about motorcycles. I would not have felt right unless I fessed up. In retrospect, a proper response, especially in a humor forum, would have been to goof on CbJunkie's comment.
Interestingly, and I'm not sure why, CbJunkie's responses were the only thing that originally caused me to stop and reflect. He said something about "being wrapped too tight" that day, and something else about me "only thinking" that he had aimed an insult against conservatives and me. Both insights were true; however, they are not excuses for my posts.