+1 on the hugs and kisses....and time goes by so quickly.
When my girls where a little bit older, I built a doll house the way the mother in laws house was built. I have all the tools so it didn't take long.It was pretty detailed so I tinkered with it when they were asleep and gave it to them both because I wasn't going to do it twice. What did take a while was loading it with furniture. Took years. Every year we filled it in , they still had an interest in it around 12 years old. I found too late that the best way to by the furniture is to know someone in the retail trade ....and buy all the furnishings at once at a trade show at a little more than wholesale...you can't believe how pricey miniature furnishings are.
Since then, Nanna's house has been sold and the girls grew up to start families of there own, the dollhouse is in the attic waiting for the Grandchildren to be old enough to play with it. Hopefully , it's a gift that keeps on giving thru the generations.