Author Topic: question about 750 models  (Read 453 times)

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Offline crusierlover

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question about 750 models
« on: July 15, 2016, 05:20:43 AM »
I have found an 80 f and 81 custom.The f looks like a nighthawk.The custom like an old school cruiser.I am buuilding 3 650's.These bikes already run,look good.Which is better.Based on 1.comfort for hhours in the saddle,2.Longevity of the engine-I would think they are about identical3.Does the f have sportbike handling,at least for that era. 4.are dohc harder to tune or adjust valves. the 81 has pods.I know how much a pain in the ass they are, making me think twice about it.All opinions appreciated.

Offline Maurice

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Re: question about 750 models
« Reply #1 on: July 15, 2016, 07:49:01 AM »
I've never ridden the custom, but I have an F. Mechanically they seem nearly identical, but I think handling will be sportier on the F. It does handle very well to be sure, although the original suspension might need work if it's OEM. Dual disk on the front is almost on par with modern bikes. To be honest I was only looking at F's, not interested in K or C.

I would not bother with pods either, these carbs have idle, main and secondary main jets, a non-adjustable (or hardly adjustable) needle, and are CV carbs. They work really well with the airbox.

Valves are shim-over-bucket style, takes an inexpensive tool to grab the shims and there's 16 of them. Fortunately it also means they need less adjustment.

Nice bikes, good luck whichever way you go brother.

Offline crusierlover

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Re: question about 750 models
« Reply #2 on: July 15, 2016, 10:57:19 AM »
I've never ridden the custom, but I have an F. Mechanically they seem nearly identical, but I think handling will be sportier on the F. It does handle very well to be sure, although the original suspension might need work if it's OEM. Dual disk on the front is almost on par with modern bikes. To be honest I was only looking at F's, not interested in K or C.

I would not bother with pods either, these carbs have idle, main and secondary main jets, a non-adjustable (or hardly adjustable) needle, and are CV carbs. They work really well with the airbox.

Valves are shim-over-bucket style, takes an inexpensive tool to grab the shims and there's 16 of them. Fortunately it also means they need less adjustment.

Nice bikes, good luck whichever way you go brother.

Thanks for the feedback.Shim over bucket is a real pain.I had experience with gs bikes like that.valves to be 003-008,leave them loose cause they tighten up as they wear down.But finding shims under one that will work on the other is a problem.Some guys bought huge boxes of shims with every size there is.GS is about every 20,000 miles.For many guys that is 10 years.For me about 2 1/2.The dohc gs has 2 places, rotate the crank till first one is in the window, then rotate around to do the other 2 cylinders.I assume the honda is the same.