Author Topic: CB350 Fuel Tanks  (Read 4226 times)

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CB350 Fuel Tanks
« on: November 26, 2006, 03:55:30 PM »
Are the 1971 ~ 1973 tanks all the same shape and configuration? I've been watching EBay for a NOS 1973 Iris Purple tank for a while now, but none have shown up. I guess the solution is to have a good tank re-painted. Will any of these 71~73 tanks work?

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Re: CB350 Fuel Tanks
« Reply #1 on: November 26, 2006, 05:14:30 PM »
I believe the 1971-73 CB tanks are all the same shape. The only difference is in the stripping. The black and white stripes are different for each year. If you want it correct you will have to research on the net. I've seen it somewhere. It can cost as much to have a tank painted as a NOS will cost you. I would love to find a new one too, but the tanks I've seen on eBAy go for nearly $400. I had a rough estimate done on repainting my 73 tank by a top notch paintshop. They said around to $400 for that metallic paint and the stripes. The stripes are complex to duplicate. I'm considering having mine chromed. 8)
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Re: CB350 Fuel Tanks
« Reply #2 on: November 26, 2006, 06:09:48 PM »
I have been offered a NOS tank for $695, but my painter says he can paint one for me - stripes and all for less. When he does it, it will be Dupont Chromabase and urethane clear - absolutely incredible finish and durable.

I've got an original Purple Iris tank for patterning, it's condition is rough on the inside, so I don't want to use it for anyting more than patterning of those stripes. My original tank is in mint condition with new, urethane paint, but the stripes are off. This tank and it's messed-up stripes however are special to me and can't be re-painted. My long-time Jr. High/High School best friend and later room mate in college painted it for me about 4 years ago, we'd not seen each other in over 20 years. He and I talked on the phone a lot and I shipped the parts to Arkansas where he ran a small paint & body shop. He remembered the bike well as we'd put many miles on one just like it and his Honda 30 years earlier He finished the covers and tank, shipped them to me and planned to drive up to the Carolinas for a long-overdue visit and ride many of the bikes in my collection. He never made the trip. They found him overdosed one morning 12 days before he was to make the trip. My wife of 29 years who I was then dating in college and I drove to Florida for the funeral. I regret not making the drive to see him. Perhaps I could have seen he was in trouble and gotten him help, I'll never know. I did make it a point to contact and go see everyone of my closest friends that year.

Anyway, here is the bike today - bad stripes and all - I want to get the "right" stripes on another tank and set this one on a shelf.


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Re: CB350 Fuel Tanks
« Reply #3 on: November 26, 2006, 06:33:22 PM »
That must be the color mine is. Ididn't realize it was original paint. Kind of a matt finish correct?

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Re: CB350 Fuel Tanks
« Reply #4 on: November 26, 2006, 06:40:54 PM »
No, it's a shiny, deep purple. It's a 1 year, 1 model only color. The CB350 had 3 versions in 1973 - The CB350 twin with drum brakes and instrument bulbs in the gauges, the CB350G in green, orange, and purple iris with the only disc brake offered on the twin, plus an idiot cluster between the gauges, and then the CB350 Four. In 1974 they were all dropped for the ill-fated 360.

I'll be glad to pass-on the Dupont Chromabase code once read.
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Re: CB350 Fuel Tanks
« Reply #5 on: November 26, 2006, 06:44:41 PM »
Ah not mine then, no disk brake either.

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Re: CB350 Fuel Tanks
« Reply #6 on: November 26, 2006, 06:51:07 PM »
From an earlier thread.

550_k0 wrote:
Hey Groovie, the 350 twin is a great ride.  I have a couple of 69 k0s and a 72,  2 "customs"  and a stocker. There are a lot of cosmetic differences between the k0 k1 and later models as well.  Main difference is the shape of the tank and seat.  I'm partial to the square tanks, narrow seats and rubber knee pads of the k0.

Go here to read all about it:

They are a lot of fun and real simple to work on.

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Re: CB350 Fuel Tanks
« Reply #7 on: November 26, 2006, 07:28:56 PM »
Part numbers:

'71 (K3): 17050-317-670
'72 (K4): 17050-344-670
'73 (G): 17050-317-000

Looks like '72 & '73 may be interchangable (paint notwithstanding), but '71's noticably different.
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