wwwoooooohhhh, someone's got solid works.... and we've got your address. (ain't it going to be a #$%* getting all those dim's captured on pdf ??
) Stainless or ally?
True, I did it with SillyWorks. I dimensioned with ordinates, to make it easy for whoever is machining it.
They are going to either use steel or stainless, depending. Either way, I don't care.
When I get the part(s), (they're going to do 4 parts) there is a bit of finish work to be done -- I'll need to take my grinder and a sanding pad to grind the "cam" that operates the throttle when you choke the engine. Easier to do it by eye than with a manual mill.
BTW, this is for a 650 and I doubt would work for any other bikes.