A man loses his arm in a horrble accident at work, and the plastic surgeons tell him that there is nothing they can do because of the nature of the accident. Depressed, the poor guy walks around aimlessly for weeks.
Finally, he decides to end it all. He looks up from the sidewalk and sees a tall highrise. He takes the elevator to the top floor and walks up the stairs to the roof. As he stands on the edge of the roof preparing to jump he notices a man on the ground dancing around. As he looks closer he realizes that the dancing man has no arms.
Suddenly the guy feels ashamed at his self pity. "Who am I to feel sorry for myself for having lost one arm when there is a guy who lost two arms, and he is so full of joy that he dances in the street?"
Feeling inspired and with a desire to live again, the man hurries down to the ground floor. He approaches the armless man. He taps him on the shoulder and says "Sir, I couldn't help but notice you. I am without one arm. yet you are missing both arms. What is your secret that makes you so happy that you dance in the street?"
"You idiot" the no armed man exclaims. "I'm not dancing! My ass itches!"