About 20 years ago I was working on international programs and an fellow from the company's Netherlands office spent almost a year stateside learning the product and documentation set because the program was to transfer to the Netherland's office. I was living & working in Columbus Ohio and Victor, my son and I went to the USAF Museum in Dayton, OH. I love planes and was taking photos of a lot of the planes. Victor said he would like copies but NOT any of the German ones. I asked again and he reiterated the NO German planes. He and his family and many of those in his community and possibly his country did not and would not forgive the Germans for what they did to their country and people in WWII.
It was surprising but having studied WWII I understood his reasons without having to go farther. Many Dutch would be offended were you to confuse their language, which is very similar , with German. They are quick to correct you.