I bought an Ebay H4 unit for the CB77 from Niche Cycle. This is an Emgo part, not available in North America.
Why? It's for left side driving, the low beam rises to the left.
I'll still use it, but it is less than ideal for Canada. With a 35/35 bulb it is hardly blinding - but way better at lighting the road than the OEM headlight. Not lighting road signs is lame though.
The Candlepower one that was good for places that drive on the right as god intended is NLA, and this one is all I could find in the small size for such bikes.
It actually mounts perfectly in the ring. The supplied clamps are too heavy so I reused the ones holding in the old Stanley feeblebeam. There's no white wire in my harness for the parking bulb, although it's on all wiring diagrams. No big deal.