Author Topic: CB836F “Motogadget gurus needed”  (Read 3970 times)

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Offline josherr

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CB836F “Motogadget gurus needed”
« on: October 23, 2017, 06:04:17 PM »
Hello everyone been trying to decide wether or not to start a build thread for the lack of pictures I have but the time has come cause I will need help with the next phase
This build started out because I bought a CB550 for my first bike but then quickly realized that I needed something much faster for LA freeways

So I sold the bike then started searching for a 750K but ended up falling in love with the supersports so i found a 76 750F Georgia titled frame for cheap and little by little started collecting parts and putting together a roller
At first this build was supposed to be on the back burner and work on it whenever I had time but I got the itch to get back on a bike and got serious about it when I came across a GOOD deal for parts from a guy who gave up on his build
So I got serious about building
I thought long and hard on what I wanted to do
Mild restoration?Restomod?Full on custom? I switched back and forth between what I needed to do but ultimately decided to go out and do a restomod
So I went out and got myself some 18 inch excel rims, wide rear kit, and retro tree from the awesome guys at Cognito Moto

I scored a Cycle X git kit, mikuni rs34, Mike Rieck stage 3 head ( !!! )and numerous other parts from a guy who gave up on his build
So the bike took a complete for the better after scoring that deal and if it wasn’t for that I’d probably be still months from finishing this bike

I went out and got myself the hondaman book (lifesaver) and disassembled the engine and sent out my crank to get balanced and jugs to get bored out put all my goodies in from the git kit so the engine has the following
Cycle x super rods, wiseco 836 pistons, balanced crank, stage 3 head with beehive springs,new crank and rod bearings, new cam/primary chain, tensioner, mls head gasket , kibblewhite heavy duty studs and many other things I sure forgot

So this is where the bike currently sits

I will be posting more soon because I ordered up the new munit and other motogadget goodies and will need help

Still undecided on paint and among other things
Still need to finish up the tail and seat pan
It’s my first time attempting a seat pan so it’s not perfect by any means, it took me a whole lotta time even getting it to that point

Hopefully this gets someone to start working on they’re bike cause i sure got inspired to put in work after reading the project shop threads here on the forum

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« Last Edit: October 27, 2017, 06:40:16 PM by josherr »

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Re: CB836F “Motogadget gurus needed”
« Reply #1 on: October 23, 2017, 06:16:14 PM »
Hello everyone been trying to decide wether or not to start a build thread for the lack of pictures I have but the time has come cause I will need help with the next phase
This build started out because I bought a CB550 for my first bike but then quickly realized that I needed something much faster for LA freeways

So I sold the bike then started searching for a 750K but ended up falling in love with the supersports so i found a 76 750F Georgia titled frame for cheap and little by little started collecting parts and putting together a roller
At first this build was supposed to be on the back burner and work on it whenever I had time but I got the itch to get back on a bike and got serious about it when I came across a GOOD deal for parts from a guy who gave up on his build
So I got serious about building
I thought long and hard on what I wanted to do
Mild restoration?Restomod?Full on custom? I switched back and forth between what I needed to do but ultimately decided to go out and do a restomod
So I went out and got myself some 18 inch excel rims, wide rear kit, and retro tree from the awesome guys at Cognito Moto

I scored a Cycle X git kit, mikuni rs34, Mike Rieck stage 3 head ( !!! )and numerous other parts from a guy who gave up on his build
So the bike took a complete for the better after scoring that deal and if it wasn’t for that I’d probably be still months from finishing this bike

I went out and got myself the hondaman book (lifesaver) and disassembled the engine and sent out my crank to get balanced and jugs to get bored out put all my goodies in from the git kit so the engine has the following
Cycle x super rods, wiseco 836 pistons, balanced crank, stage 3 head with beehive springs,new crank and rod bearings, new cam/primary chain, tensioner, mls head gasket , kibblewhite heavy duty studs and many other things I sure forgot

So this is where the bike currently sits

I will be posting more soon because I ordered up the new munit and other motogadget goodies and will need help

Still undecided on paint and among other things
Still need to finish up the tail and seat pan
It’s my first time attempting a seat pan so it’s not perfect by any means, it took me a whole lotta time even getting it to that point

Hopefully this gets someone to start working on they’re bike cause i sure got inspired to put in work after reading the project shop threads here on the forum

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Make it into a 605cc engine with the CI piston set and, if going Motogadget's tach route, install a CB650 cam (ignoring the tach drive). You'll keep up OK then!
See for info about the gadgets I make for these bikes.

The demons are repulsed when a man does good. Use that.
Blood is thicker than water, but motor oil is thicker, don't mess with my SOHC4, or I might have to hurt you.
Hondaman's creed: "Bikers are family. Treat them accordingly."

Link to Hondaman Ignition:

Link to My CB750 Book:

Link to website:

Offline josherr

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Re: CB836F “Motogadget gurus needed”
« Reply #2 on: October 24, 2017, 11:28:49 AM »
Hello everyone been trying to decide wether or not to start a build thread for the lack of pictures I have but the time has come cause I will need help with the next phase
This build started out because I bought a CB550 for my first bike but then quickly realized that I needed something much faster for LA freeways

So I sold the bike then started searching for a 750K but ended up falling in love with the supersports so i found a 76 750F Georgia titled frame for cheap and little by little started collecting parts and putting together a roller
At first this build was supposed to be on the back burner and work on it whenever I had time but I got the itch to get back on a bike and got serious about it when I came across a GOOD deal for parts from a guy who gave up on his build
So I got serious about building
I thought long and hard on what I wanted to do
Mild restoration?Restomod?Full on custom? I switched back and forth between what I needed to do but ultimately decided to go out and do a restomod
So I went out and got myself some 18 inch excel rims, wide rear kit, and retro tree from the awesome guys at Cognito Moto

I scored a Cycle X git kit, mikuni rs34, Mike Rieck stage 3 head ( !!! )and numerous other parts from a guy who gave up on his build
So the bike took a complete for the better after scoring that deal and if it wasn’t for that I’d probably be still months from finishing this bike

I went out and got myself the hondaman book (lifesaver) and disassembled the engine and sent out my crank to get balanced and jugs to get bored out put all my goodies in from the git kit so the engine has the following
Cycle x super rods, wiseco 836 pistons, balanced crank, stage 3 head with beehive springs,new crank and rod bearings, new cam/primary chain, tensioner, mls head gasket , kibblewhite heavy duty studs and many other things I sure forgot

So this is where the bike currently sits

I will be posting more soon because I ordered up the new munit and other motogadget goodies and will need help

Still undecided on paint and among other things
Still need to finish up the tail and seat pan
It’s my first time attempting a seat pan so it’s not perfect by any means, it took me a whole lotta time even getting it to that point

Hopefully this gets someone to start working on they’re bike cause i sure got inspired to put in work after reading the project shop threads here on the forum

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Make it into a 605cc engine with the CI piston set and, if going Motogadget's tach route, install a CB650 cam (ignoring the tach drive). You'll keep up OK then!

I have a 72 CB500 disassembled, maybe I’ll do that to that one

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Offline josherr

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Re: CB836F “Motogadget gurus needed”
« Reply #3 on: October 24, 2017, 11:33:47 AM »
What help do you need with the MotoGadget stuff?

Well everything lol, I’ve doing research and looking at wiring diagrams so I have a pretty good idea what I’m gunna do
Probably gunna run into problems just figuring out how to route the harness through frame
And as of right now just trying to see if I have everything I need
I ordered munit blue, motogadget handlebar switches, motogadget tiny gauge, antigravity battery, wiring kit from revival cycles, starter, rectifier, and gunna run led turn signals and brake lights

Will I need diodes?

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Offline josherr

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Re: CB836F “Motogadget gurus needed”
« Reply #4 on: October 25, 2017, 03:58:16 AM »
Will I need diodes?

MotoGadget Tiny              Honda Diagram (M-Unit)
Red                                      Fused power to POS
Black                                    Chassis Ground
Brown                                  12v Power from AUX
Orange                                 From Speed Sensor
Green                                  Menu Button (M-Switch)
Blue                                    BLUE from M-Unit HI
White                                  GREEN/RED from NEU
Purple                                 BLUE/RED from OIL switch
Yellow                                 ORANGE/BLUE from TURN L & R

Think this will get you close. Disregard the table in the link, and use the above in its place.

Is there a specific type of diode I need ?
Which one do you prefer ?

And that diagram helps, once everything gets here I will be picking your brain

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Offline josherr

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Re: CB836F “Motogadget gurus needed”
« Reply #5 on: October 25, 2017, 07:33:05 AM »
Is there a specific type of diode I need ? Yes
Which one do you prefer ? Ones that work

And that diagram helps, once everything gets here I will be picking your brain Choose carefully what you pick at, you may get a surprise  ;D
Just having a laugh this AM. Another thread has me giddy with no reserve. I'll dig up the diode spec when you get close(r).  ;)

Haha man I know nothing, definitely gunna be a learning experience

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Offline josherr

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Re: CB836F “Motogadget gurus needed”
« Reply #6 on: October 26, 2017, 09:43:29 PM »
Got some goodies in the mail today

Dizamnnn the Munit is smaller than I expected
And the tint gauge looks awesome

I feel like calling off work so I can start working on this

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Offline josherr

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Re: CB836F “Motogadget gurus needed”
« Reply #7 on: October 27, 2017, 06:39:04 PM »
You're a button short on your M-switches. You'll want:

Turn L
Turn R
Menu (this is the one everyone overlooks)

The 6th button would be wired to control the Motor gauge LCD display and menu configurations. There's an inset screen on the unit that toggles through: Odometer, Trip, Volts, RPMs that you'll want to be able to control. You could use a separate push button, but I've always preferred to have that in the same switch housings.

I actually got a 6th button like this, I’m planning on drilling and tapping it to the tree

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Offline josherr

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Re: CB836F “Motogadget gurus needed”
« Reply #8 on: November 12, 2017, 11:43:25 AM »
Been slowly getting into wiring, so far I put the handlebar switches on

Battery and munit mounting, should I mount the ground on the other side of the munit since this one is so close to the positive cables ?

I have a ricks regulator and I’ve gone over some threads ( most of the responses were from calj737 )

So I connect the 3 yellow, 1 white, and 1 green to the stator and take out the red
That leaves me with red going to battery pos
Black to lock
And green to frame ground

Does that sound correct ?

And I have a 3 position key switch with red going to battery pos with a inline 15 amp fuse and black going to ground, does the accessory connection left alone ?

Question on my head light, I have a LSL headlight
What do I connect the brown running light to ?
I have white for low beam, blue for hi, green and black to ground

Am I on the right path here ?
What are my mistakes? There’s probably a lot

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