Hi all..hoping someone can put me out of my misery.
I put some round top carbs on my A years ago.
I was using ram air filters over the rubber stacks.
Lately I've had a lot of trouble with the carbs, though it has run pretty good.
I'd now like to use an airbox before trying again to tune carbs.. The K box will not fit, I tried.
No space with the torque converter to get under neath to do wing bolts.
So my question... is will an A airbox fit the k carb?rubbers same, enough space?
I won't bore you with details, but I want
HI, just got my A and was changing oil and air filters etc... BUT
The clown that owned mine did the air box bolts up that tight that the hex heads in the bottom section are spinning in the plastic...
So I had to remove the whole air box in one piece, Fun job but I went out the starter motor side, bit more room me thinks this way.
Next problem I have is to stop the bolt from spinning in the plastic, they are done up so tight that the bottom of the box is concave instead of flat as it should be...
Was gunna drill and tap the bolt head with an eazy out while trying to undo the other end with the 10 mm ringie...
Even the oil filter nut was soo friggin tight hat to put an extender tube on the 10 mm spanner, crazy stuff, that has "O" rings...
As for the sump plug, 17mm ringie and hammer to crack that one...
vik... my two bobs worth...