Yes, we could rest much easier without witnessing tragic events of any kind . But we aren't babes in the forest, we aren't stupid , we know the risk we take every time we get on a machine. We all hope none of that will happen to us. We try to ride carefully , and monitor other drivers around us in hopes that we are all on the same page and that everyone will remember where the motorcycle is as well as we know the location each car. We know that there are people on the road that shouldn't be , there are all kinds of distractions in cars anymore , and traffic is ever changing. The folks we may have shared the last 50 miles with may get off at the next exit. A new batch of vehicles mixing in with you and you know that THEY don't know that you're there yet. This new group may be irritated ,or just more aggressive than the last bunch.
We all run "what if " scenarios. The change out every minute or so as the scenery changes, as that pack of cars gets closer,or maybe those 2 semis up there , they both know that they will have 4 ways on up the next hill but insist on taking up both lane to see who gets to the top first...these guys can see the bunch of cars coming up in the mirrors but they usually decide to play this game anyways. Now the cars see this and they want to get past those trucks asap , now they are going too fast and only focused on the trucks. Whats the curb look like , is there a break in the guard rail , whats on the other side of the rail, should you position yourself between 2 cars on the fast lane so that if you make it safely past them this time that you can put some space between you and this new group of traffic coming up on you. What if someone screws up ? You automatically revise evasive action scenario to accommodate the changes, eliminate the threat and go on to the next scenario. Remember when you could ride with your mind free , everyone was aware and caring, you didn't have to worry about anything?
Yeah, well I don't remember any times ever being like that, because they weren't , and if there were, you would surely be the next victim . We all know the stakes in riding and even the non believers will pray that they have a safe ride but sometimes these things happen , sometimes to people we know and love , we understand that , but we mentally distance ourselves from the idea of ever being that victim because we need to believe that we will find a way out , we'll survive it like always, probably get up and walk away from it . Riders who love to ride , can't live without the ride , will have to condition their own thought process this way in order to continue doing this thing they love................ otherwise.....they can't do it.
We all know this, nothin' new, just a reminder of how it works and have another chance to say ride carefully guys.