So I ran across a Jardine 4-1 system on eBay that came off of an 83 650. For two hundred bucks, I gambled that if it didnt fit my 79 directly I could fudge it and make it work.
Well. It looks like its going to be a lot of fudging. The only worry I had was on port spacing, which ironically, isn't really an issue. What *is* an issue is that it contacts the oil filter cover and almost drags in the dirt. I took a bunch of photos of how it sits in a Google album: There's also video of the bike off the center stand, and I slammed the suspension to see how it would dip on hard braking or something. I'm also worried about the front fender hitting the header, but that might be normal for how these things are constructed anyway.
I could use the hydraulic press at the metalshop I used to work at, build a bending jig and all that. But I think to really shape this right I'd need to tighten the bend in the primaries just before the collector, which I'm not sure can be done safely. But maybe one of you has bent these up before, I'm sure there's a way. I'll take these to an exhaust shop or someone if I have to, I'm stoked to run this thing.
Im confident bends one and three in the drawing can be done. Its number two that Im not sure about (it looks like it could also use a shimmy to the left but that one I have no idea how to do right). Anyone done anything like this before? In my mind there's a chance that this is a routine thing in custom shops lol, there's no way that every header fits every custom applications (cars especially).