Well even though there were not any F's displayed there was intent
Had my misfortunes not continued mine would have been up the hill. After wrenching for over 2 weeks only to bend a @#$% 34mm intake, remove the head and send it to Kenny with same day turn around, reinstall the head, degree the cam, sync the carbs, adjust the needles, get the trailer out and together, license the trailer (all this on Tuesday), etc etc etc load the bike, pack, sleep, awake at 5am and begin the drive in my untested at trailering with an unused trailer 4 banger 2009 Subaru with 1000lb and the rear full I drove 750 miles Wednesday...… The MF'r wouldn't fire when unloaded Thursday. FINALLY determined after spending much of the day Friday in the hot sun and humidity after multiple attempts at resetting air screws to the 60 size slow jets that came in the CR31 Specials that 2 -3 weren't firing. At that point being pissed and exhausted after 1297 miles I threw in the wrench and said #$%* it. I wasn't pushing the sonna#$%* to the show even though it was right there. Right now it is on the trailer while I am visiting in KY, heading to my daughter's in TN then down to GA to my sister's. I-70 sux. I-20 and/or I-40 back.
But hey, it sure seems MECHANICALLY sound now after 4 or so attempts haha

Hope I didn't just shoot myself in the foot.
Mike, was one of the CBX's yours? Glad I didn't attempt to bring mine to go along with all the other red ones. They were well represented.