Much work since I last posted in July.
I replaced the clutch with a new EBC kit, friction discs only. In the process I measured all the discs and springs. Every single part of the clutch measured in spec, so i was a bit discouraged, thinking I just wasted money on parts I didn't need, and would still have my clutch clunk/lurch.
It's tricky business replacing the clutch with the engine in-frame on these GLs, but it can be done. Long story short, got it swapped out and my clutch is now siiiiilky smooth. There is no clunk or lurch what so ever. It feels like a new bike honestly.
I also replaced the clutch cable with a new Motion Pro unit, taking the opportunity to clean and lube the lever pivot bolt at the same time. I now have a nice clutch pull for city riding.
Next up was checking the carb balance. I had done this last year but on a cold-ish engine. I re-checked after it was at full temp and found my #1 cylinder a bit low on the gauges. I brought it into equilibrium with the left-rear cylinder, which then showed the left pair low compared to the right pair. One more little adjustment to bring both sides into equilibrium and then....ahhhhhhh. The engine smoothed right out! The idle clutch rattle disappeared and the idle came up a hair.
My off-idle throttle response it much better now. Combined with the smooth clutch, parking lots, u-turns etc are no longer difficult to navigate. Couldn't be happier!
Few days later I used some spare time to replace the drive shaft. I had a spare with a perfect u-joint. The old shaft was good, but had just the tiniest play in it. May as well nip that before it becomes a problem. Cleaned and lubed all the splines with moly paste and went for a ride. No noticeable difference, but just happy to know I have a healthy drive-train.