My bike always seems to need leaning out every time I mess with it.
I found a parts motor of the CB650 type with a good camshaft. My original 550 camshaft had two intake lobes that were ground down by sideways rockers. It's been running great for the whole past year after I got everything dialed in. The plugs looked awesome. On a 40 degree day I could start it up and walk away after less than 30 seconds and the bike would idle on it's own. The state of tune was great.
I swapped in my 650 cam and adjusted my points and it's been like starting over again. I wish I hadn't messed with the points, but It took a while to get them set correctly again. My cam sprocket holes are slightly elongated so I can get my cam lined up perfectly with the crank. Getting the timing set to a little advanced helps out the bottom-end power a ton, but it generally rich. Interstate cruise is way too rich, but the bike now wants to idle a little rich. I was expecting after a cam shaft swap to it running lean. I need to go down with my main jet it looks like, but I can't figure out why the idle wants to be rich. Before my fuel mixture looked dead on. There was no soot on the plugs, no white stuff and no black stuff. I probably only had 500 miles on these plugs, but I had done lots of mixed driving.
When I first got this bike up and running I had to lean it out a bunch and I'm running an air box without a lid.
My modifications are mild: I'm running no cylinder base gasket for more squish, I've smoothed the ports as hondaman suggested and knifed the valve guide bosses. I'm also running an aftermarket exhaust with a custom straight through fiberglass packed muffler. And I had to lean it out to get that dialed. Now it looks like I need to go down a few more sizes for the jets.
Does any of that make sense?
I'm using a wideband O2 sensor for detecting my AFR.