Author Topic: Detroit to Colorado to Black Hills then...  (Read 2125 times)

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Offline Shtonecb500

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Detroit to Colorado to Black Hills then...
« on: August 09, 2020, 11:54:20 PM »
My trusty steed will not be making this trip with me, my 550 would just get beat up on this trip so its taking the back seat to the R80/7. I thought my powder coat guy would have finished my 750 last week but it didn't happen. I thought I was going to be able to run her with stock grab bar and rear rack and back rest and some luggage sacks...sounds like heaven.

Im leaving Wed and heading to Breckenridge with my buddy and we want to see some mountains. I have a Friend that lives there and we plan on camping on his Property and riding around for a few days.

Should I go Ill, Iowa, Nebraska or through Miss and Kansas. ORIGINALLY, we were going all the way through the UP, go through Minn and heading to Livingston, Montana to meet a friend who has already been on the road for a month. He said he would be gearing up to make his way to black hills national forest by then..So we are going to go to Colorado then go up and meet him at Black Hills. After that its all up in the air, Im not sure what direction we will all want to go in. This will be the longest road trip of my riding career so I wouldn't mind heading back after that and trying for the west coast next season. Ive never gone to the upper peninsula, we have a group of people making  camping trip there so it could be a target destination on the route back. That would take use past fort collins, a little bit through Wyoming South Dakota, Minnesota and Wisconsin.

I plan on doing alot of riding in Colorado, I really want to take in some views, I my friend has been there for 15 years so he should be able to suggest some nice riding routes. Ive been there once and I cant wait to experience it on a motorcycle.
Ive been riding the r80 ALOT the last couple of days and I think its going to be great not he interstate, my 550 is great for 5-6 hour trips but I would need to fit a fairing and bags for it to be something I want to ride that long, new seat as well.

Im taking a hammock and a single person tent, I should be pretty well received in colorado, everything after that I plan on roughing it at camp sites or something.

73/74'' CB500/550 resto-mod - sold
75' 750f 91' cbr f2 swap cafe - mock up
74' 750 chopper hardtail - complete - sold
74' CB750/836kit - Black mix & match - daily rider - always tweaking
71' cb500 K0 survivor - complete
71' K1 - CANDY GOLD/BROWN Winton kit - in process

Offline Jerry Rxman Griffin aka MuthaF'er

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Re: Detroit to Colorado to Black Hills then...
« Reply #1 on: August 10, 2020, 11:43:02 AM »
IMO: It all depends on how much time you have and how many miles each day you want to ride. Fast coming out or returning home, not both. I always make one way fast and the other relaxing and scenic and use my days seeing as much as possible. I-70 is boring as #$%*! but you can make good time. Ditto I-80. I, myself, would do I-80 one way as I have done WAY TOOOOO many miles on I-70. From the Black Hills to I-90 to I-29 to I-80 on the return. Remember, Sturgis is happening now. Considering what is Coviding now and avoid that on the way out. It will be done on your return through the Black Hills. You will be tired on the return and ready to get home to a good shower and comfortable bed. Taking the US Hwys out is a good option especially west of the Mississippi once you clear all the population density. Wide open spaces, more controlled speeds, less other traffic doing 80 - 85mph making viewing more enjoyable and just more to see of what the country is about. More relaxing. US24 at Ft Wayne to US36 would be good. See American not just wide open concrete slabs.

You're heading north of Denver. I'm an hour south should you be nearby stop in for a cold beer. 719-963-3080   
As of today 3/13/2012 my original owner 75 CB750F has made it through 3 wives, er EX-wives. Free at last.  ;-)