@pjlogue - The first battery I ruined, I did take it apart, and attempted to put it on a balance charge I had sitting around, but 6/8 of the cells were too far gone. That battery had a small circuit board which was for balancing the cells only, it didn't have any other kind of built in protection, which was pretty disappointing. I haven't gotten around to taking the second battery apart yet, but maybe there's a chance I can still bring that one back to life.
@dazemc - The first battery failed because I was still running the old regulator and rectifier, which is a well known no-no (I discovered after the fact). After upgrading the regulator/rectifier and getting a new battery, I ran the new battery for a few months just fine, then when I went to replace the headlight over-discharge the battery while installing it. I wasn't even running the bike. You do have a point though about the available current. The stock headlight is spec'd at 40W I believe, and the one I was trying to install was like 70W, so it was already over-sized, which is a lesson learned. As far as a battery management system, the digital circuits are super low draw, so I don't think they'd be any problem for even the 500s available current.