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Nice job, what are your plans for it?
Lookin' good . How many miles are on her ? I've got your twin but mine has a little more 'patina'. Mine has around 14k on it. The only problem I have had on mine were the screws backing out on the starter clutch assembly. Seems to be a common problem on the DOHC 750/900'S like the factory did not tighten them enough. If your starter gear starts to not engage all the time get in there and check it and its an easy fix with a drop or two of loctite. My one other problem was I thought the top end had a problem as during a certain rpm range it was making a horrible rattle. When I had my helmet off once and had it running to really check it out I found it was actually a mirror glass that had come loose in the housing that was rattling around. Could spin the glass with my finger. Phew that was good news.
That's when bikes looked like bikes, not movie props
Great looking bike, bet it is fast.