Author Topic: CB400F 1975 buying original head gasket  (Read 367 times)

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Offline berbecs

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CB400F 1975 buying original head gasket
« on: May 17, 2022, 03:00:55 AM »
Hi all!
I am eager to source a head gasket for my above mentioned bike.
I have bought one complete gasket set from ebay, but the engineer who helps me said that it looks quite low quality ( it does) I put the picture below.

I have a chance to get an original honda gasket, in original packaging, I'm curious would it be ok? Considering the age, should I buy a new one from yamiya or other supplier instead?
The ones at davidsilverspares looks exactly like mine, just packed differently.

Second option is that I have them made by a gasket guy locally, for this I need the factory gasket thickness, could you help me with this? I couldn't find it either here or on google.
I found a couple older threads mentioning the values but the info seems off, like 5mm which is too much.


Offline Bodi

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Re: CB400F 1975 buying original head gasket
« Reply #1 on: May 17, 2022, 05:15:24 AM »
I've used Athena with pretty good results. CMSNL sells a gasket kit made in Japan but it's not OEM.
A factory gasket should not decay with age. I've also used swap meet aftermarket NOS gasket sets - age unknown but likely from the 70's - without problems.
The OEM gasket thickness - no idea. Hondaman has detailed the changes in OEM gasket thickness from Honda (asbestos related?) and the issues the thicker ones cause, this is important with a 400F. The oil metering insert seal is critical, the engine loves to weep oil there which oozes out of the gasket line at the very ends of the block. Not a real issue for oil loss, it's a few drops an hour maybe, but makes a mess. With the later thicker gaskets the OEM insert rubber seal does not seal very well. I'm not sure how to resolve that but I am likely to face the problem soon.
If you get the gasket and it's the older thinner one I recommend the Honda seals (PN 12909333000 or alternate 12909428003) rather than aftermarket though. Use a bit of sealant around the rubber seal, just DO NOT block that orifice thing.

Offline berbecs

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Re: CB400F 1975 buying original head gasket
« Reply #2 on: May 17, 2022, 01:06:39 PM »
Thanks for the info!

I went for the genuine factory one, we'll see!
Once I get it, I'll measure it and put it here, someone might be interested too.