Successful carb sync!
Remaining deficiencies:
-front brake drags a bit, still able to push bike around, if disc over-heating is detected then it'll need a new brake cylinder seal
-missing/lost rubber ring/seal on one of the upper fork ears hole, just under the top triple tree, I won't be riding in heavy rain
-starter button is missing, I use a nail or wire or air inflate needle to start bike with electric starter, or use the kickstart
-the clutch lever safety switch is broken, mechanic said no problem for safety, will replace eventually
In my small town, Canadian Tire has one really good mechanic that does motorcycle safeties. He just left for 3 weeks holiday. I do not know of anywhere else in Uxbridge that is certified to do this. With a safety, I could switch over insurance from my 1981 BMW R100, get a license plate, and ride this bike today!
-I have an electronic ignition to install, but the bike runs perfectly now so I'll wait a while