I have never been so elated and so disappointed in the span of five minutes then when I finished working on my bike last night. I figured out how to take the things apart that I needed to in order to remove the old fuel line, clean some things up, and do my best to run a new fuel line with the petcock I currently have. I cut the stem as short as I could so that it could fit a bit of fuel line, attached a small 90ยบ filter, and then the remainder of the fuel line (New Fuel Line 1 & 2). After trying to start her back up again, she started and sounded glorious!! I decided to try to ride her around the neighborhood a bit.
But, ALAS! As soon as I put her in gear, the lights went out and the engined shut off. I tried to start it up again (lights were working, but seemed dim), but it didn't work. At that point, it was almost midnight, so I went to bed.
TODAY, I worked on it for quite some time trying to figure out with this new issue is, and I got stuck. I brought the battery to Batteries Plus to check if it was charged and could hold a load. The battery read perfectly. I bought a voltage meter (see pic1) and started testing the various components that help regulate/charge the electrical system. I successfully tested the rectifier (which is new), and it had continuity. I went to check the regulator (see pic2) next, but the instructions (see pic3) made no sense to me, and when I put one lead line of the tester on the green connection and the other lead line was grounded on the frame, there was no reading (when I changed to dial to "200m V" on the left side, the reading was a negative number). I then attempted to read any of the terminals and had the same result. And, as far as the stator goes, I couldn't even get to it. I have a very stubborn screw in the cover and even after using a bit to strip the head completely (since it was already stripped) and grab the thread, it wouldn't budge! So, my assumption is that it's the stator since the battery doesn't seem to keep its charge while it's running.
All of this to say, I may be in over my head. I'm pretty bummed right now. I do love this motorcycle, but I also want to ride. The first two weeks of riding was glorious, but now it has spent more time in the shop and being worked on than ridden. I suppose I'm asking what's the best thing I could do to get it running again so I can sell it off, try not to loose too much money on it, and get it to someone who has more than one bike and loves working on them? I am learning a lot, but I don't have the money to own a bike to ride and a project bike.